Thursday, December 9, 2010


There are a lot of things in life that are unexplained.  If you look closely we are surrounded by miracles in nature, people, science and healing.  Oprah recently featured a show on a man from a small town in Brazil known as John of God.  Susan Casey traveled to Brazil for personal reasons and to report on the healing miracles this man is performing.  She discussed it on Oprah and also has an article in this months issue of O magazine.  Thousands of people flock to John of God for various reasons. Some are battling cancer or tumors and medical professionals have given up on many of the people he has healed.  He doesn't take credit for his work.  He gives God all of the credit.

Oprah's show depicted John of God performing eye scrapings, nose extractions and minor surgeries on people without any anesthesia.  The people were at peace during these procedures and experienced no pain or infection.  I'm still not quite sure what to make of this show.  Those who were skeptical and visited him still don't know how to explain his works. Not everyone is healed and for some the healing process may take months or additional meditation and prayer time on the individuals part.

I can't explain John of God, but I do believe in God, miracles, the power of faith and that there are no coincidences.  There are miracles happening every hour of every day if we just pay attention.   

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