Saturday, February 5, 2011

Vegan Challenge

Oprah and 378 members of the Harpo staff went on a vegan diet for a week.  Vegans eat no meat, no dairy and no fish.  If a food item comes from an animal, they don't eat it.  Vegan expert, Kathy Freston, helped the staff get started on their program.   The reviews were pretty mixed.  Several staffers felt they had more energy and lost weight on the program and others dropped out before the week was up.  I think most of the staff agreed it made them think about where their food comes from differently.

Journalist and Food Expert, Michael Pollan, was also on the show.  He's written several books about how to become a more conscious eater.  He's not a vegan and eats meat a couple times per week, but is particular about where the meat comes from.  He is an advocate for better sanitation and animal care in processing plants.  Journalist, Lisa Ling, was able to go inside a meat processing plant and showed viewers how our meat goes from farm to table.  Fortunately, they weren't able to show the cattle being killed.  The cows are knocked unconscious so they don't feel pain and they try to keep them as calm as possible.  The death process takes a minute or two.  They showed the skin being removed and their carcasses being sawed.  They make use of every animal part.  It was very enlightening as well as disturbing to see.  I don't eat meat every day, but I enjoy a steak or hamburger every now and then.  I would like to say I changed my mind after seeing how it's processed, but I haven't.  Lisa Ling said she still eats meat as well.

Oprah reported that according to the USDA, we eat nearly 10 billion animals a year including 33 million cows.  I think each person has to decide what lifestyle is best for them.  I have tried BOCA burgers and they don't quite cut it for me.  I think Michael Pollan put it best, "there's nothing evil about meat and some meat in your diet is fine.  There are farms where animals lead very happy lives and have one bad day.  We need more of those."  The bottom line is to be more aware of what you're putting in your body and where it comes from.

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