Sunday, July 18, 2010

Breathing Space

O Magazine used to dedicate a page to a peaceful photo which often depicted something in nature.  I recently resubscribed to O, but have not come across the page which used to be titled "Breathing Space."  I am a very visual person and have always enjoyed photography.  One of my dream jobs was to be a photographer for National Geographic.  As a kid I would flip through my Dad's National Geographic and marvel at the photos of Eskimos, African tribes, majestic mountains and wild animals.  They were pictures of things you don't encounter in every day suburbia life.  I have been restless lately and wanting to travel.  Since I took a very nice vacation at the beginning of the summer I am spending the rest of the summer months in Kansas and Missouri.  I have been reading other photography blogs lately and have realized that you can sometimes find the extraordinary in the ordinary if you look for it.  Sometimes it's the simplest photos that can produce a feeling of peace and contentment.  Enjoy the view.

Muir Woods, California

Freeman, Missouri

Turks & Caicos

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