Thursday, July 22, 2010

Women Food & God Part II

Oprah had a follow up interview with author, Geneen Roth, on the philosophies in her book Women, Food & God.  I still haven't purchased the book, but plan on looking through my friends copy this weekend.  I think it would be a good tool to help explore your relationship with food.  I thought one viewer's question said it best, "Can you simply just like food?"  Geneen's response was, "When you really like something you pay attention to it and you take time with it."  For example, you don't eat standing up, on the phone, in front of the computer or while your watching television.  According to Geneen, if you pay attention to your body you will get to your natural weight.   Another viewer asked, "Why don't I stop eating?"  Geneen says, if you are a compulsive eater you need to listen to your body and stop when you've had enough food.  I don't know of anyone who hasn't overeaten at some point in their life.  I'm thinking of my many lunch/dinners at Jose Peppers with the never ending chips and salsa.  Geneen says, you need to listen to your body and stop when you've had enough food.  Ask yourself why you want to continue eating.

Oprah said that one of the things that has helped her has been to not eat unless she's hungry.  She talked about how the slightest irritations can cause her to eat.  I can relate to that. Whenever I feel on edge I have a habit of opening my pantry doors or the refrigerator as if they have all the answers.  Oprah now asks herself, "What am I hungry for?"  Am I hungry for food or something else like validation or to be heard.  One woman brought up the fact she eats when she's tired.  That is a huge one for me.  I hate being tired in the middle of the day.  I can drink coffee or Diet Coke and I'm still tired.  I often turn to some sugary snack which only makes me more tired.  Just last night I was tired from running errands with my daughter and picked up a package of snickerdoodle cookies at the check out lane in Target.

Geneen says, "When you're hungry food actually is satisfying.  If you're not hungry no matter how much food you eat you're never going to be satisfied."  I agree with that statement.  I think some people use  food just like they do drugs or alcohol.  It is easier to eat your feelings away then confront them.  According to Oprah, Women Food & God is about getting back to the core of you so that you understand your own truth and gifts in the world.  It all boils down to your relationship with the source.  For me and a lot of other people that source is God.  I get the feeling this isn't a quick fix book.  There is a lot of soul searching involved, but sometimes that's what it takes to make a lasting life change.  It is an individual journey which only you have the map to.

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