Friday, March 25, 2011

It Is What It Is

Sometimes there are simple answers to life's most puzzling questions.  I have a tendency to over think things.  I like to think there is some complex process behind people's behavior instead of just accepting it for what it is. My friends husband uses the phrase "It Is What It Is."  I was watching Oprah's interview with past talk show hosts and Oprah asked Sally Jessy Raphael, "Why the red glasses?"  She said it was because she couldn't read the teleprompter and needed glasses.  She saw an ad that gave you a pap smear and eye glasses for $19.95 and red was the only color they had.  I've always thought there was more thought involved behind those red glasses. After all, they sort of became her signature look.  Sometimes things just fall into place without any advanced thinking or planning.

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