Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Oprah has had numerous shows on fashion tips over the years.  I cleaned out my closet the other day and have decided it's time to do some clothes shopping.  I have a favorite quote by Gilda Radner that is posted on my bulletin board that says, "I base most of my fashion taste on what doesn't itch." 

Actress, Rita Wilson was on Oprah several months ago and had some fashion tips to share.  Evidently, she has a fashion advice column in Harper's Bazaar magazine. Her ten tips are as follows:
  • If you haven't worn something in over a year, get rid of it.  I did get rid of some things that no longer fit or are outdated, but I'm not getting rid of my Lucky Jeans that I just need to lose about 5 lbs to get into. 
  • Trust your personal style.  Be true to yourself while being in fashion.  I have a pretty good idea of what looks good on my body type.  I may not look good in skinny jeans, but I can be trendy with my accessories.
  • Your haircut and color tell people a lot about you.  I like to touch up my roots on a consistent basis to hide any incoming gray hairs.
  • Wear comfortable shoes.  This has never been a problem for me.  As a matter of fact, I need to spend more time looking for stylish comfortable shoes.  I'll admit to owning a pair of crocs and an overabundance of clogs.
  • Have things tailored to fit you.  For a small amount of money, an alteration can make a huge difference. I used to be stubborn and didn't want to pay the extra money to have things tailored.  I thought everything should just fit perfectly when you buy it, but that isn't always the case.  I'm 5'4 and have learned to have skirts hemmed so that they fall at a flattering length on me and don't cut my calves in half.  Not a good look on me.
  • Wear stylish things while traveling.  I agree to a point on this one.  I'm not going to wear my old sweats on a plane, but I want to be comfortable.
  • If you travel a lot, have a packed toiletries bag ready to go.
  • Simplify your makeup
  • Enjoy new pajamas once a year. Quit wearing old t-shirts and sweats to bed.
  • Be grateful.  The perfect accessory is a smile.  I get a little overwhelmed when I'm looking for new clothes, but I'm grateful that at least I can afford to buy them.
Another tip Rita had for women in their 40's was to show off the part of your body your most proud of, but not more than one at a time. For example, don't show too much arm and legs.  Also, the four things every woman needs in her closet are: black leggings or black jean, black boot or a black shoe boot, a jacket, and a scarf.

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