Friday, April 29, 2011

Chris Rock

Chris Rock has been a guest on the Oprah show 26 times.  He joked that he's been on Oprah more than any other man other than Steadman.  I hope I'm not offending anyone, but I did think that was funny.  It is hard to take Chris Rock seriously and I can't say I'm a huge fan, but I thought he had a few inspiring things to share.  He is currently starring in the Broadway play, "The Mother____ With the Hat."  I'll let you fill in the blanks.  I was recently in New York and saw ads for the show which looked interesting, but probably not for my 12 yr old and her friend.  He said performing on Broadway taught him he's not done and that the level of acting and preparation is much different than film work.  Oprah said performing on Broadway is a dream of hers.  He encouraged her do it and said he has learned so much and grown as an actor from the experience. 

He is 46 and talked about how sometimes people get to a certain age and they think they've done it all.  He also talked about the fact he is blessed to be in a position to try new things.  His motto is try everything and if you don't like something it's because you didn't like it not because you dismissed it.  As a parent I'm always encouraging my kids to try new things whether it be food, sports, books, clothing, or classes.  I can get consumed by daily routines and obligations and forget to take my own advice.  As I get older I still enjoy trying and learning new things, but sometimes I wonder if I'm wasting my time or I beat myself up for not sticking with something.  I have taken all sorts of classes as an adult on cooking, photography, scrapbooking, writing, meditation, etc. I've also taken tennis lessons, golf lessons, and will soon try drum lessons.  I saw an interview with Bethenny Frankel on Nate's show and she made the comment, all roads lead to Rome.  We never know where our interests will take us no matter how odd they may seem.  A good example of that is this blog.  I thought it was a crazy idea at first, but I've enjoyed reflecting on Oprah's shows and how they've brought me inspiration.  Even if no one reads my posts other than my husband and I it has gotten me into the habit of writing which I hadn't done for many years.   What is something new you'd like to try?   "Being wealthy is not about having money, it's about having options."  --Chris Rock

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