Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Oprah's Influence

I just got back from a girls weekend in Florida and found myself referencing Oprah quite a bit. My friends were shopping for some new pants and one of my friends loves capri pants. She knows that I don't wear capri's anymore because years ago the ladies from the show What Not To Wear talked about how unflattering they are. This is especially true if your 5'4" like I am. She refused to take my advice and bought them anyway. Maybe one day I will convince her. I don't love capri pants on me because I feel like they cut my calf in half which isn't a very good look on me. They also said not to wear shorts, but when it is 90 outside I'm going to wear shorts. I just try to pick a flattering length. The other piece of advice I learned from Oprah's show is the importance of buying a good bra and being properly fitted. You can have a beautiful outfit on, but if you don't have a properly fitting bra it can ruin the whole thing. I think you get the idea without me having to go into detail.

Another topic we discussed was cell phone use while driving. My friend knew of someone who was crossing the street and got hit by someone who was on their phone and didn't see her. I told my friends about Oprah's No Phone Zone pledge. I believe if anyone can get legislation passed to ban cell phone use while driving it is Oprah. In Connecticut, where my friend lives, you are fined if talking on the cell phone while driving unless it's hands free. A lot of people think it doesn't affect their driving if they are talking on the phone; however, studies have shown that it really does.


  1. Funny, I don't love capris but I do like the ankle pant or cropped pant, which I think is different than a capri. They offer me the chance to NOT have to worry about length or how the height of the heel I wear will affect if my pant hem will slide under my heel, which absolutely makes me crazy.

  2. I will never wear capris without thinking about your blog again!!
