Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Women of Age

I've recently become a huge fan of owls.  I have several pieces of owl jewelry and assorted owl statues throughout my home.  Part of the reason they are endearing to me is they remind me of the owl on the tootsie roll pop commercial I loved as a kid back in the 70's.  On a subconscious level, I think it's because I'm always seeking wisdom.  Oprah has interviewed many celebrities on her show over the years. Her interviews with women over 40 tend to be the most inspiring to me because they have more life experiences to share.

Oprah claims that 50 is the new 40.  As I get older,  I've noticed many changes which I hadn't really paid attention to since puberty.  My skin has always been on the dry side, but when I wake up in the morning I can see lines from my pillowcase embedded in my skin.  What used to be a one step skin care process has turned into a four step regime of cleanser, eye serum, moisturizer and an occasional mask thrown in.  Actresses Cybill Shepherd and Linda Evans talked about their difficulties on aging gracefully after having their beauty define them for years.  They've spent a lot of time looking inward to what makes them unique instead of focusing on their outward appearance.  We are living longer, but society doesn't want us to look older.  All a product has to do is claim to be anti-aging and I'm sold.

Awhile back Oprah had Bette Midler on her show.  It is inspiring to see people like Bette still performing and taking an active role in environmentalism at age 65.  She looks healthier and is livelier than some people I know in their 30's. There is also the lovable Betty White who has been making a comeback recently.   A common thread among many of the older women Oprah has interviewed  is that they seem to be passionate about life.  They have a peacefulness about them and balance in their life.  I think something that also comes with age is that you realize half your life is over and you don't have time to worry about the little things.  I may live to be 100 because I feel like I'm still not there yet.  Can you help me Mr. Owl?

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