Monday, November 1, 2010

Jane Fonda

Jane Fonda was 45 when she released her highest selling exercise video of all time.  I used to own one of her exercise videos in the 80's and remember the purple tights and leg warmers like it was yesterday.  That is when I first learned the meaning of "GO FOR THE BURN." I had no idea back then that she was 45 years old.  I was less than half her age and she could run circles around me.  Jane talked with Oprah about her memoir My Life So Far.  She also has two new workout DVD's coming out this year.  Research shows that the number one factor in aging successfully is being physically active and exercising.  Every time I'm feeling burned out on the gym my exercise partner reminds me of this fact.  However, Jane did admit to having had some plastic surgery.  I knew there had to be a catch to looking as good as she does at 72.

Jane says life got easier after 50.  She says, "Part of wisdom is knowing what you don't need anymore."  She realized later in life that the challenge is to become whole not perfect.  Sometimes I wish I could skip the whole learning process and just have it all figured out at age 43.  I guess that's my impatient side coming out.  I'm inspired by Oprah's interviews with older women because I feel like I always take away some morsel of wisdom.  Jane says her energy comes from being curious and learning something new every day.  Her advice was to stay curious and interested, keep learning and love people.  That sounds doable.

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