Monday, February 15, 2010

Celine Dion

Celine Dion's appearance on Oprah last week brought to mind another way Oprah has influenced me over the years.  Several years ago one of my best friends was turning 40 and she saw Celine Dion on Oprah.  Caesar's Palace hotel in Las Vegas built a Colosseum especially for Celine to perform in for a set number of years.  Oprah raved about how her show was a life changing experience and how everyone needed to see Celine at the new Colosseum.  I like Celine, but have never been a huge fan .  However, Oprah's and my friends enthusiasm convinced several friends and I to hop on a plane to Vegas.  
While we were in Vegas we also had to check out a flower shop that Oprah had featured on her show.  One of my good friends loves flowers and so we wanted to try and find it for her.  We found the shop, but the place was already closed and left much to be desired from the outside. We took a picture of it anyway to prove we were there.    Celine's performance and the special effects were wonderful, but I personally wouldn't describe it as life changing.   We enjoyed the concert, but didn't have any major epiphanies.  Come to think of it though we did run into Kenny G on the way to the concert.  

What I've learned over the many years of watching Oprah's show is to pick and choose those things which reflect my personality and interests.  I truly believe Oprah is being authentic when she shares her favorite things whether if it's books, foods, clothing, shoes or vacation destinations.  I am my own person and while I love to learn about a new "favorite thing" that doesn't mean I should rush out and buy it.  The things that have truly inspired me or struck a chord with me are the things that I plan to share with my readers.  

Celine is no longer currently performing at Caesar's Palace, but for those of you that are fans, she announced on Oprah last week that she will be coming back to Vegas in March of 2011 with a new show.   You never know, it could be life changing the second time around.

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