Saturday, February 27, 2010

Say Yes to Life

Sometimes it's just a simple comment that will catch my attention. Ali Wentworth was on Friday's Oprah show and was attempting to try some of the Olympic sports with various Olympic athletes in Vancouver. Ali has a nice figure, but by no means a perfect body and doesn't appear to be someone who is a naturally gifted athlete. However, she is always up for a challenge. She once wore a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader outfit and cheered with the girls from Texas at their state fair. She wore a skeleton suit, figure skating outfit and speed skater outfit to try those respective sports. Let's just say she is not the most graceful person on ice. I don't think my body issues would allow me to do those things at this time coupled with the fear that I would look like a fool. That is one of the things that makes her so likable though, her humor and ability to laugh at herself. How do you teach that kind of fearlessness? Was she born that way or is it something she learned over time. Oprah's stylist described Ali as someone who says yes to life. It reminded me of the movie Yes Man with Jim Carrey.

I've tried to take baby steps and be open to new things. This week I went to see a friend of my sisters speak at a church in town. She has the ability to speak with people who have passed on to heaven. That is something I normally wouldn't have attended, but I happened to get a call from a friend whose mother had passed away years ago on the same day as the speaking engagement. My friend says she often senses her mother's presence especially during the month of February which is her birth month. My friend's mother Linda didn't visit us that night despite efforts to try and channel her, but it was a very enlightening and comforting experience. I'm a person who cries very easily, and I was worried that it would be a overly emotional and very drama filled experience. It wasn't either one. On the contrary, it seemed very normal. She is a mom with three kids that leads a normal life aside from the fact that she has the ability to speak with angels. After experiencing her make connections with people in the audience, I truly believe she has a gift.

My point is are you willing to take the Nestea plunge (those who are around my age will understand this)? Break out of your comfort zone every now and then. You might be pleasantly surprised. Say yes to life.

1 comment:

  1. OK, so I love, love, love the thinking in this post. My question is, though, how do you teach the fearlessness to your kids? We spend our whole time as young moms protecting our kids from danger. Some kids go on to be fearless (rollercoasters, new situations, etc.) and others are much more cautious. Dawn, I can bet you can guess which of my kids I'm talking about. :) So was it because he was the first born and I babied him too much? How do I teach him to be less fearful? Dr. Dawn, are you IN? :)
